I'm New!
First time at Coraopolis United Methodist Church? Here's what you can expect...
Most people will enter CUMC from the parking lot, which brings you through our "side" door and up the steps into the back of the sanctuary. If you have difficulty walking up steps, please enter from the sidewalk along Ridge Avenue, where there is a ramp leading to the front side of the sanctuary. Feel free to ask for assistance - we would be glad to show you the way! Inside, you'll find children, youth and adults of all ages. Dress varies widely, from jeans and t-shirts to coats and ties. You are welcome to wear whatever you feel most comfortable wearing.
Our worship style is liturgical, meaning that we use music and readings rooted in church tradition. We strive to worship God in ways that are engaging, thoughtful and relevant, however, we are not cold and formal. We find that the hymns, Scriptures and readings of the church guide us in our spiritual journey and connect us with the church community across time and across the world. Sometimes their language is familiar; other times, it sounds quaint and unusual to our ears; but always, it directs our thoughts toward God.
Our worship service include organ and piano music, choirs and congregational singing, reading of Scripture, preaching and prayer. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month.
Children are always welcome in our worship services. We love the energy they bring to our community! Activity bags are located in the back of the sanctuary for little ones who find it hard to sit still.
We hope you will feel welcome at CUMC. We look forward to meeting you!